
Spectral Resolution of a Monochromator -explained

Linear dispersion (LND), often referred to as spectral resolution, determines the wavelength range that passes through the exit slit of a monochromator. The dispersion power depends on the monochromator’s focal length (f) and the groove density of the diffraction grating (d). The exact value of LND is characteristic of each selected wavelength (λ₀) and is […]

How to use second order filters when working with tungsten halogen light source?

To eliminate inaccuracies in spectral measurements using a tungsten halogen lamp as a light source, second-order filters are strongly recommended. Optimal optical setup varies based on the spectral region of interest. This article demonstrates spectral measurement using a monochromator MO250 within the 500-1600 nm range. This spectral region is covered by a single reflective ruled […]

MO250 Double Monochromator

No spectral filter is perfect and there is always an amount of light from outside the desired bandwidth that passes through it. Second order longpass filters made of SCHOTT color glass are very efficient at filtering out wavlengths below a certain threshold, if used with a thickness of at least 3mm. However, they are only […]

Low-cost Solar Simulator based on XBO 150W xenon lamp

By combining our multi-purpose lamp housing with a short arc xenon lamp of 150W mounted and an atmospheric filter AM 1.5 we assembled a low-cost solar simulator configurable for different kinds of experiments. The recent setup we built consists additionally of a shutter aperture and a black box to excite reactions in a photo-electrochemical cell […]

Multi-purpose Lamp Housing

At OPTEL OPOLE we designed and manufactured a lamp housing that can be used with multiple broadband lamps. With a single housing user can switch between short arc xenon lamps and low-voltage tungsten halogen bulbs. The replacement of the light source takes only few seconds. Each lamp requires a separate dedicated power supply, which we […]

Replacement of a diffraction grating in the OPTEL Opole M250 monochromator

In order to replace a diffraction grating in the M250 monochromator one needs to first unscrew the frame mount and remove an old grating. In the next step, one needs to mount the new grating in the way, that the arrow indicated at the rim of the grating is pointing towards the exit slit of […]

Selecting the xenon light source appropriate for your application

In this article we provide hints for selecting the OPTEL Opole xenon light source that is most suitable for various common applications. Using geometrical optics model we estimate the efficiency of how each ILLU XBO transfers energy radiated from the source to the target. We consider following cases; collimated beam, M250 monochromator entrance slit, silica […]